Events By Katherine

Events By Katherine In Irvine Ca
[ezcol_1third] Events By Katherine
Irvine, Ca.
[/ezcol_1third] [ezcol_1third] 949-394-5661
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Events By Katherine In Irvine California

Events By Katherine can offer peace of mind and help crate your “dream” wedding while offering cost-saving know-how to make your event worry-free, unique and gorgeous. We can save you time and enable you to get the most for your money. We serve in numerous capacities, from concierge to coordinator.

The training, knowledge and experience of Events By Katherine will turn your dreams and expectations into reality. You should enjoy your wedding and remember it always as one of the greatest events of your life. It is our goal to plan and execute exquisite occasions and provide serenity to you, the bride and groom, and to your families. We don’t want you to work your wedding; we want you to enjoy the day!

We offer virtually everything you need to make your event magical! If we do not offer the service under our roof we work very closely with the areas best in their field.

Events By Katherine In Irvine